Welcome from our Head of School, Dr Michael Cascianelli
Welcome to La Scuola d’Italia. As the Head of School, I am excited to greet you and introduce you to our unique bilingual learning environment, set in the heart of New York City.
With 30 nationalities represented, La Scuola d’Italia is the only Italian-American School in North America, offering a seamless educational journey from PreK 3 to Grade 12. We are dedicated to helping students become principled and open-minded leaders of tomorrow while fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of global cultures within our Italian-American-rooted values.
Our location on the Upper East Side of Manhattan allows us to offer a rich and engaging experience to all. I warmly invite you to visit our campus and meet our exceptional faculty and staff, who are here to support and guide you.
Board of Trustees
Chair: Lucia Carbone
Vice Chair: Francesca Verga
Secretary: Barbara Pivetta
Treasurer: Enrico Zanon
Alfonso Cerullo, Maria Fiorini Ramirez, Valentino Gallo, Angelo Macrí, Jason Pedicone, Andriana Vamvakas, Carla Varriale-Barker
Ex-officio: Min. Plen. Fabrizio Di Michele, Dr. Michael Cascianelli
The Chair’s first communication was shared with the community in June 2024.
Org Chart
The org chart, which can be found by clicking here, helps current and new parents understand how we operate as a school daily.
Financial Report and PTOF - Amministrazione Trasparente, Bilancio Consuntivo 2023
Please click on this link to find the financials for 2023, as required by the Italian Ministry of Education.
Please click on this link to find the yearly approved PTOF.